Friday, May 28, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Hello all,

It's been almost 20 days since my last post, and I apologize to those of you that think I died or got abducted. I said I would write again when I did something worth writing about, but the truth is, I haven't done a whole lot lately. May has been kind of a bad month for me. Not that anything particularly bad has happened, just not a whole lot has gone on. First of all, the weather's been quite gloomy, and I kid you not, it's rained every day for almost 3 weeks. This has prevented much of the travel and outside activities that filled my early months here, and I have been spending a lot of time just sitting in my apartment. I have also been kind of sick on and off, which is probably a combination of the weather, homesickness, and my less-than-excellent diet. Now, some of you may say "you're in New Zealand! You should be living it up, having a ball!" and I would agree with you, I should be. The truth is, I may have let my homesickness get the best of me for the past few weeks, and seeing pictures of everyone back home enjoying the beautiful summer weather and all their free time kind of makes me wish I could be there with them. I guess you never really know how much you will miss the people who matter most to you until you are uprooted from your life and whisked away to the other side of the globe.

Anyway, with a month and a week (35 days) left to go in New Zealand, I have resolved to make the most of the rest of my time here, cause I am sure that you folks don't want to read any more of these lame, melancholy blogs posts. :-)

This coming week is my last week of classes, and then immediately afterward my friend Haylee and I are going to the South Island for a week of adventures. The projected activities include whale-watching, lots of beautiful natural sights, and climbing a glacier. It should be a very enjoyable breath of fresh air for me. After that I have exams, and then the whole gang will be capping off exam week with a trip to see a professional rugby game!

All in all, I have absolutely loved my time here, but I think one more month will just about do it for me. Thank you all for reading, and I promise my next post will be far less dreary. I can't wait to see you all and tell you firsthand about my adventures in Kiwi Land. :-)

Till next time!


P.S. I finally got out of the apartment tonight and went to see the musical Avenue Q with my friends Mallory and Haylee. If you haven't seen this show, I cannot recommend it enough. Absolutely hilarious. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel - as time went on in New York, I started spending more and more time just sitting around inside, haha. But at least you got to see Avenue Q before Gary Coleman died...actually, it's kind of eerie that you saw it the day before. Eek.

    And PS: I am commenting to let you know I love your blog, but also because I loved getting blog comments in New York - it let me know that people actually read and care, haha. So enjoy this!
